Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What is the nature of reform in these contexts? Is effective reform possible?

First, I must pose the questions in hopes 'teachers' who have experience in Asia and/or the Middle East will offer brief recounts of that experience with the question of reform in mind.

When we have enough response I will offer a brief description of my own experience in Korea, China, Malaysia, the UAE and Oman over the past 15 years.

With specific issues exposed I hope to engage in a serious discussion of these issues and finally, at least, to surmise, at best, to offer reasonable, constructive answers to the questions and some ideas of ways forward.

Please keep to the topic which is education reform. Sociocultural issues obviously affect how reform is perceived and addressed but, long tirades relating to specific incidents will not help. General comments, with short examples are encouraged. Please do not mention individuals, institutions or companies.

These are important questions. Views and accounts will inevitably reflect western systems of education and I hope to address those in future posts or blogs that will grow out of this one.

Thanks in advance for your considered participation.
